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What is FightingFit?


We created our FightingFit program to strengthen the physical and mental well-being of our clients. Inspired by our training with Power Athlete, Onnit, Joel Jamieson, Zach Even-Esh, and Wolf Brigade, our curriculum follows a 6 to 9-week block structure concentrating on exercises that translate to patterns and positions used in Krav Maga, Bang Muay Thai, and Combat Submission Wrestling.


Rotating through each block allows us to target one specific element of athletic performance at a time - strength, power, speed, and endurance.  This keeps our program fresh while minimizing the risk of overuse injuries.


Power & Strength

Claymore speed icon.webp


Coordination & Agility

Endurance & Stamina

Mental Fortitude

FightingFit at 
Claymore Fighting & Fitness

ages 14+


One-hour classes offered:

  • Monday at 530am

  • Wednesday at 530am

  • Friday at 530am

  • Saturday at 1100am


No annual contract required!
Monthly rates and class bundles available.


Our low impact cardio machines (Concept 2 Rowers, Concept 2 Ski Ergs, and Rogue Echo Bikes) offer intense aerobic activity without adding stress to your joints. We combine traditional strength training exercises using barbells and dumbbells with innovative exercises using battle ropes, maces, kettlebells, and medicine balls. 


Not familiar with kettlebells or maces? That’s ok. Your safety is our priority at Claymore. We provide detailed instructions so that you become comfortable when performing each exercise. We also provide exercise modifications to work around injuries or physical limitations.

Get Started in FightingFit

Contact us or stop by and introduce yourself. We created a positive community that welcomes everyone at any skill level.

Try a free conditioning class and let us know what you think. Our FightingFit classes are for ages 14 and up.

let's go!
-Coach ryan

Start training with our elite instructors.

Claymore weight lifting room.webp

Our Students Love Claymore


people are talking

“Krav classes and FightingFit have allowed me to become fitter, stronger, healthier, and more aware and condiment than I have ever been before!” - Kacie B.

join our community!
-Coach ryan

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